Ben and Gary Show - Episode 30

Jan 24, 2019

Office Fluoride Treatments - Yes Or No?

A patient asked if she needed fluoride treatments in the office as she uses a fluoride toothpaste.

The difference between office applied fluoride and fluoride toothpastes

Office applied fluoride is highly concentrated compared with toothpastes. It is designed to be absorbed by the superficial parts of the tooth.

Office applications harden the enamel and make it more resistant to decay.

Why you may want to add office fluoride treatments

Office fluoride treatments are recommended because they protect enamel

  • From diets that include high acid foods and sports drinks 
  • From abrasive tooth whitening toothpastes that erode enamel

Office fluoride treatments protect teeth from decay.

This is especially beneficial when there are a lot of crowns and other restorations. These are more susceptible to decay at the gum line.

Where there are teeth with root canals which don't feel pain, decay can be masked.

In making your choice, take advice of your dentist.




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