In this episode, Gary goes solo. Ben is away.
He reports on a course he attended on airway patency - how open your airway is when you sleep. This is a complicated subject we will talk about more.
Sleep is how your body repairs itself. When sleep is interrupted due to sleep apnea (when you stop breathing and wake up), your body's ability to repair itself is also interrupted. Sleep apnea is diagnosed and treated based on how many sleep disruption events happen during the night.
Some people experience sleep disruptions that are not diagnosed as sleep apnea but also result in sleep disruptions (arousals). These are caused by partially closed airways. The condition is called Upper Airway Resistance Syndrome.
Not only does this condition result in poor quality sleep, but it can also cause depression, anxiety, and pain.
Upper Airway Resistance syndrome is detected using the Cardiopulmonary Coupling (CPC) device. It measures heart rate variability with respiration.
A normal result will display a graph with peaks and valleys. A person with airway resistance will have a flat result.
Want to test your nasal airflow? Put tape over your mouth when you sleep. This forces you to breathe through your nose without interference from your tongue.
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