We were asked what is LANAP. Joining us today is special guest and colleague, Dr. Justin Zalewsky, Periodontist, who will explain it.
LANAP itself is not new. What is new and exciting is the technique is now FDA approved for true regeneration of bone, the surface layer of the tooth root, and periodontal ligaments.
With gum disease, gums
This condition was traditionally treated by cutting open the gum, cleaning out the infection and closing the gum wound. The gum closure with this procedure
It works, however, quite well.
With LANAP, the patient feels like he is getting a cleaning but the laser
Incidentally, the procedure is most effective if the patient has not had a recent hygiene appointment!
In cases where a dental implant has been placed but is failing due to unhealthy gum tissue and deepening gum pockets around it, LAPIP, a similar laser based therapy, is used for great results.
Well all, it's Friday after hours. Gary and Justin are off to the Nats game. Ben is out to dinner with wife and friends. Take care of your teeth. LANAP is fantastic but prevention is best.
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